Source code for dokomoforms.handlers.debug

"""Pages pertaining to debug-specific functionality."""
from time import sleep

from tornado.escape import json_encode, json_decode
import tornado.web

from sqlalchemy.sql import exists
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

from dokomoforms.models import User, Administrator, Email
from dokomoforms.handlers.util import BaseHandler

[docs]class DebugUserCreationHandler(BaseHandler): """Use this page to create a user."""
[docs] def get(self, email=''): """Log in for any user (creating one if necessary).""" email_exists = ( self.session .query(exists().where(Email.address == email)) .scalar() ) created = False if not email_exists: with self.session.begin(): creator = Administrator( name='debug_user', emails=[Email(address=email)], ) self.session.add(creator) self.set_status(201) created = True DebugLoginHandler.get(self, email, created=created)
[docs]class DebugLoginHandler(BaseHandler): """Use this page to log in as any existing user."""
[docs] def get(self, email="", created=False): """Log in by supplying an e-mail address.""" try: user = ( self.session.query(, .join(Email) .filter(Email.address == email) .one() ) cookie_options = { 'httponly': True, } self.set_secure_cookie('user',, **cookie_options) response = { 'email': email, 'created': created, } self.write(response) self.finish() except NoResultFound: _ = self.locale.translate raise tornado.web.HTTPError( 422, reason=_( 'There is no account associated with the e-mail' ' address {}'.format(email) ), )
[docs]class DebugLogoutHandler(BaseHandler): """Log out by visiting this page."""
[docs] def get(self): """Clear the 'user' cookie.""" self.clear_cookie('user') self.write('You have logged out.')
[docs]class DebugPersonaHandler(BaseHandler): """For testing purposes there's no need to hit the real URL."""
[docs] def post(self): """The test user has logged in.""" self.write({'status': 'okay', 'email': ''})
revisit_online = slow_mode = None facilities_file = compressed_facilities = lzs = None
[docs]def revisit_debug(): # pragma: no cover global revisit_online global slow_mode global facilities_file global compressed_facilities global lzs import lzstring revisit_online = True slow_mode = False facilities_file = 'tests/python/fake_revisit_facilities.json' with open(facilities_file, 'rb') as facilities: compressed_facilities = lzs = lzstring.LZString()
[docs]class DebugRevisitHandler(BaseHandler): """For testing purposes there's no need to hit Revisit proper."""
[docs] def get(self): """Get dummy facilities.""" global slow_mode if not revisit_online: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(502) if slow_mode: # pragma: no cover sleep(2) self.write(compressed_facilities) self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
[docs] def post(self): """Add a facility.""" global compressed_facilities if not revisit_online: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(502) new_facility = json_decode(self.request.body) c_facilities_json = json_decode(compressed_facilities) facility_data = ( c_facilities_json['facilities']['children']['wn']['data'][0] ) uncompressed = json_decode(lzs.decompressFromUTF16(facility_data)) uncompressed.append({ '_version': 0, 'active': True, 'coordinates': new_facility['coordinates'], 'createdAt': '2014-04-23T20:32:20.043Z', 'href': ( 'http://localhost:3000/api/v0/facilities/{}.json'.format( new_facility['uuid'] ) ), 'identifiers': [], 'name': new_facility['name'], 'properties': new_facility['properties'], 'updatedAt': '2014-04-23T20:32:20.043Z', 'uuid': new_facility['uuid'], }) compressed = lzs.compressToUTF16(json_encode(uncompressed)) c_facilities_json['facilities']['children']['wn']['data'] = [ compressed ] compressed_facilities = json_encode(c_facilities_json).encode() self.set_status(201)
[docs]class DebugToggleRevisitHandler(BaseHandler): """For turning the fake Revisit endpoint off and on."""
[docs] def get(self): """Toggle the 'online' state of the GET endpoint.""" global revisit_online global compressed_facilities state_arg = self.get_argument('state', None) if state_arg: if state_arg == 'true': revisit_online = True with open(facilities_file, 'rb') as facilities: compressed_facilities = else: revisit_online = False else: revisit_online = not revisit_online
[docs]class DebugToggleRevisitSlowModeHandler(BaseHandler): # pragma: no cover """For toggling slow mode."""
[docs] def get(self): """Toggle the 'slow' state of the GET endpoint.""" global slow_mode state_arg = self.get_argument('state', None) if state_arg: slow_mode = state_arg == 'true' else: slow_mode = not slow_mode