Source code for dokomoforms.handlers.util

"""Useful reusable functions for handlers, plus the BaseHandler."""
from functools import wraps

import urllib.parse as urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlencode

from sqlalchemy.exc import StatementError
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

import tornado.web
from tornado.escape import to_unicode, json_encode

from dokomoforms.models import User, Administrator
from dokomoforms.models.survey import most_recent_surveys

[docs]def auth_redirect(self): """The URL redirect logic extracted from tornado.web.authenticated.""" url = self.get_login_url() if '?' not in url: if urlparse.urlsplit(url).scheme: # pragma: no cover next_url = self.request.full_url() else: next_url = self.request.uri url += '?' + urlencode({'next': next_url}) self.redirect(url) return
[docs]def authenticated_admin(method): """A copy of tornado.web.authenticated for Administrator access.""" @wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.current_user: if self.request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'): return auth_redirect(self) raise tornado.web.HTTPError(403) # Custom # user = self.current_user_model if isinstance(user, Administrator): return method(self, *args, **kwargs) # Custom # raise tornado.web.HTTPError(403) return wrapper
[docs]class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """The base class for handlers. Makes the database session and current user available. """ num_surveys_for_menu = 20 @property def session(self): """The SQLAlchemy session for interacting with the models. :return: the SQLAlchemy session """ return self.application.session @property def current_user_model(self): """Return the current logged in User, or None.""" current_user_id = self._current_user_cookie() if current_user_id: cuid = to_unicode(current_user_id) try: return self.session.query(User).get(cuid) except StatementError: self.clear_cookie('user') return None @property def user_default_language(self): """Return the logged-in User's default language, or None.""" user = self.current_user_model if user: return user.preferences['default_language'] return None
[docs] def user_survey_language(self, survey): """Return the logged-in User's selected language for the given survey, or None if they do not have one.""" user = self.current_user_model if (user and in user.preferences and 'display_language' in user.preferences[]): return user.preferences[]['display_language'] return None
[docs] def set_default_headers(self): """Add some security-flavored headers. """ super().set_default_headers() self.clear_header('Server') self.set_header('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY') self.set_header('X-Xss-Protection', '1; mode=block') self.set_header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff') self.set_header( 'Content-Security-Policy', "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'" "" "; " "child-src; " "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'" " *;" "font-src 'self';" "img-src 'self' * data: blob:;" "object-src 'self' blob:;" "media-src 'self' blob: mediastream:;" "connect-src 'self' blob: *" " localhost:3000;" "default-src 'self';" )
[docs] def prepare(self): """Default behavior before any HTTP method. By default, just sets up the XSRF token. """ # Just accessing the token makes the handler send it to the browser self.xsrf_token
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """404 unless this method is overridden. The presence of this GET method means that endpoints which only accept POST are hidden from browsers. :raise tornado.web.HTTPError: 404 Not Found """ raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
def _current_user_cookie(self) -> str: return self.get_secure_cookie('user')
[docs] def get_current_user(self) -> str: """Make current_user accessible. You probably shouldn't override this method. It makes {{ current_user }} accessible to templates and self.current_user accessible to handlers. :return: a string containing the user name. """ user = self.current_user_model if user: return return None
def _get_current_user_id(self): """Get the current user's id for the templates. :return: a string contain the currently logged in user's uuid """ if not self.current_user: return None return def _get_current_user_prefs(self): """Get the current user's preferences for the templates. :return: a json string contain the currently logged in user's prefs. """ prefs = {} if self.current_user: prefs = self.current_user_model.preferences return json_encode(prefs) def _t(self, field, survey=None): """Pick a translation from a translatable field. Based on user's preference. Falls back to default_language. """ # user's preferred survey language user_preferred_language = self.user_default_language if survey is not None: # see if user has selected a display language for this survey, # if so, use it. user_survey_language = self.user_survey_language(survey) if user_survey_language and user_survey_language in field: return field[user_survey_language] if user_preferred_language and user_preferred_language in field: return field[user_preferred_language] return field[survey.default_language]
[docs] def get_template_namespace(self): """Template functions. TODO: Find a way to get rid of this. @jmwohl """ namespace = super().get_template_namespace() user = self.current_user_model surveys_for_menu = most_recent_surveys( self.session,, self.num_surveys_for_menu ) if user else None namespace.update({ 'surveys_for_menu': surveys_for_menu, 'current_user_id': self._get_current_user_id(), '_t': self._t, 'current_user_model': self.current_user_model, 'current_user_prefs': self._get_current_user_prefs() }) return namespace
[docs] def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): """Deal with 404 errors.""" if 'exc_info' in kwargs and kwargs['exc_info'][0] is NoResultFound: self.set_status(404) status_code = 404 if status_code == 404: self.render('404.html') return super().write_error(status_code, **kwargs)
[docs]class BaseAPIHandler(BaseHandler): """The Tornado handler class for API resource classes.""" @property def api_version(self): """The API version.""" return self.application._api_version @property def api_root_path(self): """The API URL up to the version number.""" return self.application._api_root_path