Source code for dokomoforms.handlers.api.v0.nodes

"""TornadoResource class for dokomoforms.models.node.Node subclasses."""
from dokomoforms.handlers.api.v0 import BaseResource
from dokomoforms.models import (
    Node, Choice, construct_node

[docs]class NodeResource(BaseResource): """Restless resource for Nodes. BaseResource sets the serializer, which uses the dokomo models' ModelJSONEncoder for json conversion. """ resource_type = Node default_sort_column_name = 'last_update_time' objects_key = 'nodes'
[docs] def create(self): """Create a new node.""" is_mc =['type_constraint'] == 'multiple_choice' with self.session.begin(): # create a list of Node models # - if the node is a multiple_choice, create Choice models # first creating the node. if is_mc and 'choices' in['choices'] = [ Choice(**choice) for choice in['choices'] ] node = construct_node(** self.session.add(node) return node # def prepare(self, data): # """Determine which fields to return. # If we don't prep the data, all the fields get returned! # We can subtract fields here if there are fields which shouldn't # be included in the API. # """ # return data