Source code for dokomoforms.handlers.api.v0.surveys

"""TornadoResource class for dokomoforms.models.survey.Survey."""
import os.path
import datetime

import restless.exceptions as exc
from restless.constants import CREATED

from sqlalchemy import cast, Date
from sqlalchemy.sql import func

from dokomoforms.exc import SurveyAccessForbidden
from dokomoforms.handlers.api.v0 import BaseResource
from dokomoforms.handlers.api.v0.submissions import (
    SubmissionResource, _create_submission
from dokomoforms.models import (
    Survey, Submission, SubSurvey, Choice,
    construct_survey, construct_survey_node, construct_bucket,
    administrator_filter, get_model,
    Node, construct_node
from dokomoforms.models.survey import _administrator_table

# TODO: clean up this mess
def _create_sub_survey(session, sub_survey_dict, parent_node):
    for bucket_dict in sub_survey_dict['buckets']:
        if bucket_dict['bucket_type'] == 'multiple_choice':
            choice_dict = bucket_dict['bucket']
            choice_number = choice_dict.pop('choice_number', None)
            if choice_number is not None:
                bucket_dict['bucket'] = parent_node.choices[choice_number]
            choice_id = choice_dict.pop('choice_id', None)
            if choice_id is not None:
                bucket_dict['bucket'] = session.query(Choice).get(choice_id)
    sub_survey_dict['buckets'] = [
        construct_bucket(**b) for b in sub_survey_dict['buckets']
    repeatable = sub_survey_dict.get('repeatable', None)
    _cogsn = _create_or_get_survey_node
    sub_survey_dict['nodes'] = [
        _cogsn(session, node, repeatable) for node in sub_survey_dict['nodes']
    return SubSurvey(**sub_survey_dict)

def _create_or_get_survey_node(session, survey_node_dict, repeatable=None):
    node_dict = survey_node_dict['node']
    if 'id' in node_dict:
        node = get_model(session, Node, node_dict['id'])
        choices = node_dict.get('choices', None)
        if choices is not None:
            node_dict['choices'] = [
                Choice(**choice) for choice in choices
        node = construct_node(**node_dict)
    survey_node_dict['node'] = node
    if repeatable is not None:
        survey_node_dict['repeatable'] = repeatable
    _css = _create_sub_survey
    sub_survey_data = survey_node_dict.get('sub_surveys', None)
    if sub_survey_data is not None:
        survey_node_dict['sub_surveys'] = [
            _css(session, ssd, node) for ssd in sub_survey_data
    return construct_survey_node(**survey_node_dict)

[docs]class SurveyResource(BaseResource): """Restless resource for Surveys. BaseResource sets the serializer, which uses the dokomo models' ModelJSONEncoder for json conversion. """ # Set the property name on the outputted json resource_type = Survey default_sort_column_name = 'created_on' objects_key = 'surveys' http_methods = { 'list': { 'GET': 'list', 'POST': 'create', 'PUT': 'update_list', 'DELETE': 'delete_list', }, 'detail': { 'GET': 'detail', 'POST': 'create_detail', 'PUT': 'update', 'DELETE': 'delete', }, 'list_submissions': { 'GET': 'list_submissions' }, 'stats': { 'GET': 'stats' }, 'activity': { 'GET': 'activity' }, 'activity_all': { 'GET': 'activity_all' }, 'submit': { 'POST': 'submit' } }
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Make submit return 201.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.status_map['submit'] = CREATED
[docs] def is_authenticated(self): """GET detail is allowed unauthenticated.""" # TODO: always allowed unauthenticated? uri = self.request.uri uri_parts = uri.rstrip('/').split('/') request_method = self.request_method() if request_method == 'GET': survey_id_index = -1 url_name = 'survey' elif request_method == 'POST': survey_id_index = -2 url_name = 'submit_to_survey' if request_method in {'GET', 'POST'} and len(uri_parts) != 4: survey_id = uri_parts[survey_id_index] url = self.application.reverse_url(url_name, survey_id) if uri == os.path.commonprefix((uri, url)): return True return super().is_authenticated()
[docs] def detail(self, survey_id): """Return the given survey. Public surveys don't require authentication. Enumerator-only surveys do required authentication, and the user must be one of the survey's enumerators or an administrator. """ result = super().detail(survey_id) survey = self.session.query(Survey).get(survey_id) if survey.survey_type == 'public': return result authenticated = super().is_authenticated(admin_only=False) if not authenticated: raise exc.Unauthorized() user = self.current_user_model if user.role == 'administrator': return result if user not in survey.enumerators: raise SurveyAccessForbidden( return result
[docs] def create(self): """Create a new survey. Uses the current_user_model (i.e. logged-in user) as creator. """ with self.session.begin(): # create a list of Node models _node = _create_or_get_survey_node['nodes'] = [ _node(self.session, node) for node in['nodes'] ]['creator'] = self.current_user_model # pass survey props as kwargs survey = construct_survey(** self.session.add(survey) return survey
[docs] def submit(self, survey_id): """Submit to a survey.""" return _create_submission(self, self._get_model(survey_id))
[docs] def list_submissions(self, survey_id): """List all submissions for a survey.""" sub_resource = SubmissionResource() sub_resource.ref_rh = self.ref_rh sub_resource.request = self.request sub_resource.application = self.application where = Submission.survey_id == survey_id result = sub_resource.list(where=where) response = sub_resource.wrap_list_response(result) if sub_resource.content_type == 'csv': title = ( self.session .query(Survey.title[Survey.default_language]) .filter_by(id=survey_id) .scalar() ) self._set_filename('survey_{}_submissions'.format(title), 'csv') else: response['total_entries'] = ( self.session .query(func.count( .filter_by(survey_id=survey_id) .scalar() ) response['survey_id'] = survey_id return response
[docs] def stats(self, survey_id): """Get stats for a survey.""" result = ( self.session .query( func.max(Survey.created_on), func.min(Submission.save_time), func.max(Submission.save_time), func.count(, ) .select_from(Submission) .join(Survey) # TODO: ask @jmwohl what this line is supposed to do # .filter( == .filter(Submission.survey_id == survey_id) .one() ) response = { "created_on": result[0], "earliest_submission_time": result[1], "latest_submission_time": result[2], "num_submissions": result[3] } return response
[docs] def activity_all(self): """Get activity for all surveys.""" days = int(self.r_handler.get_argument('days', 30)) user_id = self.r_handler.get_argument('user_id', None) response = self._generate_activity_response(days, user_id=user_id) return response
[docs] def activity(self, survey_id): """Get activity for a single survey.""" days = int(self.r_handler.get_argument('days', 30)) response = self._generate_activity_response(days, survey_id=survey_id) return response
def _generate_activity_response(self, days=30, user_id=None, survey_id=None): """Get the activity response. Build and execute the query for activity, specifying the number of days in the past from the current date to return. If a survey_id is specified, only activity from that survey will be returned. """ # number of days prior to return today = from_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=days - 1) # truncate the datetime to just the day submission_date = ( cast(Submission.save_time, Date).label('submission_date') ) query = self.session.query(submission_date, func.count()) if user_id is not None: query = ( query .join(Survey.submissions) .outerjoin(_administrator_table) .filter(administrator_filter(user_id)) ) query = query.filter(Submission.save_time >= from_date) if survey_id is not None: query = query.filter(Submission.survey_id == survey_id) query = ( query .group_by('submission_date') .order_by(submission_date.desc()) ) # TODO: Figure out if this should use OrderedDict return {'activity': [ {'date': date, 'num_submissions': num} for date, num in query ]} # def prepare(self, data): # """Determine which fields to return. # If we don't prep the data, all the fields get returned! # We can subtract fields here if there are fields which shouldn't # be included in the API. # """ # return data
[docs]def get_survey_for_handler(tornado_handler, survey_id): """Maybe a handler needs a survey from the API.""" survey_resource = SurveyResource() survey_resource.ref_rh = tornado_handler survey_resource.request = tornado_handler.request survey_resource.application = tornado_handler.application return survey_resource.detail(survey_id)